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Dates for Durga Puja Celebrations, 2011

1st October 2011
2nd October 2011
3rd October 2011
Mahaa-Ashtami 4th October 2011 Tuesday
Mahaa-Nabami 5th October 2011 Wednesday
Dashami - Vijya 6th October 2011 Thursday
Lakshmi Puja 11th October 2011 Tuesday
Kali Puja 26th October 2011 Wednesday

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Nine Boons for Navratri

The auspicious Navratri days are here,
O Divine Ma Durga,grant me these nine boons,
One for each day most sacred,
Each dedicated to thoughts of only you.

First and foremost I entreat,

Mother of the World bestow on me
Devotion without end to Thy lotus feet.

Second, I ask

That may I never speak a falsehood
And ever hold fast to the way of Truth.

Third, I seek

That no matter what ordeals befall me
I never swerve from the righteous path.

Fourth, I pray,

Banish all anger from my mind
So peaceful it may always be.

Fifth, bless me

So these eyes behold Thy Radiant Beauty
At the final moments of my life.

Sixth, dispel

Evermore this web of Maya
And from all attachments set me free.

Seventh, do grant

That my mind be filled forever
With thoughts of Thee and only Thee.

Eight, I implore

That in my heart is ever kindled
The undying flame of Wisdom's light.

Finally O Compassionate Mother,

Bless me, so that for all time,
In the lotus of my heart is enshrined
Thy ever Blissful form Sublime.
O Mother Divine, for as long as I live
Grant to me Thy wondrous Grace,
So Thy endless glories I may sing
For each one of my remaining days.

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